2023年4月18日 星期二

It Takes a Village (驚爆焦點)

is it worth the cost 全村之力


“Sometimes it's easy to forget that we spend most of our time stumbling around in the dark.

Suddenly a light gets turned on, and there's a fair share of blame to go around."





stumble [ˋstʌmb!] 絆腳, 絆倒, 踉蹌, 蹣跚而行

suddenly [ˋsʌdnlɪ] 意外地, 忽然, 冷不防

fair [fɛr] 公正的, 公平的, 誠實的, 正面地, 直接地

share [ʃɛr] 分配, 分享, 分擔

blame [blem] 責備, 指責


"I can't speak to what happened before I arrived, but all of you have done some very good reporting here.

Reporting that I believe is going to have an immediate and considerable impact on our readers.

For me, this kind of story is why we do this."






arrive [əˋraɪv] 到達, 到來

reporting [rɪˋpɔrtɪŋ] 報導

immediate [ɪˋmidɪɪt] 立即的, 即刻的, 目前的

considerable [kənˋsɪdərəb!] 相當大的, 相當多的, 重要的

reader [ˋridɚ] 讀者, 讀物, 讀本

appreciate [əˋpriʃɪ͵et] 欣賞,賞識, 感謝, 感激

impact [ɪmˋpækt] 壓緊, 擠滿, 衝擊, 碰撞

settle [ˋsɛt!] 安放, 安頓, 安排

片語: settled in在新居安頓下來, 幫助適應, 習慣於新環境 (或新工作)

片語: kind of有一點

片語: taking the time 花時間  

片語: out of ~裡面, ~

片語: by the way  順便一提 

片語: born and raised 土生土長

片語: turned on 狂熱的, 瘋狂的, 趕時髦的

片語: go around從一地或一人傳到另一地或另一人

片語: speak to..., 提及, 責備, 訓斥


句子: You really made my day 你真的讓我很開心


Absolutely! (=You’re welcome) 不客氣

"Appreciate it." (很感謝)

"My pleasure."  (不客氣)




